What is the average salary of a postdoc?
Hej! What is the average salary of a postdoc in Sweden before taxes (stipends not included)? Is there a difference between different universities? Tack!
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Thank you for contacting Naturvetarna with your question.
According to Naturvetarna's salary statistics, the average salary for a Post Doc in Sweden is 36 985 SEK per month. However, this can of course vary depending on your experience, competence and where you are located.
If you're a member of Naturvetarna, we offer salary advice if you call our membership helpline. Naturvetarna’s view on salary is that it should be based on your responsibilities, competence and experience, and therefore we prefer giving salary advice over phone rather than via email so that we can give you the best possible support. This is because we want to minimize the risk of putting too much importance on the statistics.
You find our opening hours and contact information here: Medlemsrådgivning - Naturvetarna
As a member you also have access to our statistics tool, Saco lönesök, which you can access if you log in on our website. There you can filter the statistics on your work, title and education etc.
You can access Saco Lönesök here: Salary statistics - Naturvetarna
(Please note that you must be logged in as a member to access the tool).
I hope this is of help!
Kind regards